Promoting English Medium education in Schools

I met a little girl who received 157 for the 5th grade scholarship and was unable to go to a so called “Good School”. (I know her mother gave her time for herself also) She is cheerful with bright eyes. She told me her ambition is to become a Scientist. She insisted not a “Science teacher or Lecturer in Science streame” but a Scientist. Being a single mother who had got through her Advanced Level decided to keep her in the same school as she had no other option.

However there is an aptitude test in the school for the English medium. Little girl has got 87 and was third in rank. 10 students were selected for the English medium. One boy cried so much that the class teacher had to transfer him to the Sinhala medium even before enrolling to the new class.

Class teacher was good and kind she told me. The very first day teacher who is going to teach Sinace and Maths has taught them only in English with no word of Sinhala. Also taken them to the laboratary and told them no one should touch anything. Only the Sinahla medium students will do the practicals. English medium students will take only notes. Health teache openly commented only the girl who got 100 for the aptitude test (who was from an International School) will be able to catch up.

Little girl was so dispirited. I try my best to cheer her up with motivation. My explanation on how I started to learn English was fruitful. I was unable to make her confident that without doing practicals in the laboratary like the Sinhala medium students she will be able to become a Scientist. She has given up already.

Ultimately mother had to go to the school and transfer her to the Sinahla medium. Principal clearly has told that she has instructed the teachers to be flexible at least first term and let the students experience the change gradually.

There is a huge gap in directives and implementation of guidelines for the benefit of people.

(Sorry this is a dream and I have not seen the name board of the school)


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