
A meeting was scheduled after lunch
With the Uniformed Army personnel
Of the host country I will serve
As a customary visit of the office
An amusing thing happened then
Meeting brought back memories of the past
That I have forgotten I thought

Sneaking into the camp then
To meet my father during weekend
Together with my sibling and I
Wanted to feel the warmth and love we seek

Morning time he had to work
We are kept in the closed quarters
Father’s buddy poor corporal
Knew nothing but to fight
With no choice to keep us safe
Trained us the skills he knew well

We will take a rifle and dissemble
Resemble again as in a competition
Corporal will be the time keeper
Who would at last announce the winner
With the enthusiasm of a victorious officer

Another game we have played
Zigzagging to avoid a gun shot
I had a favourite part of a game
Called the barbed wire training

Years passed memories gone
I took office to protect the child
Had to meet soldiers with guns
With even a moustache is still a dream
On that day I understood the pride
Of a child soldier and their mission
Being myself without even knowing
trained as a child soldier years back

I will promote the power of peace
With each and everyone I reach
Developing dialogues among enemies
Enable the world to be a better place


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