Achieving SDGs (Speech)
Beyond Ape Gama
After yesterday’s judging process of the Sustainable Development Goal implementation of this young crowd, I have thought what to say to this
group today, as I have realized you have read and research on SDGs and were in
a process to draft declaration to submit to the government.
I thought what you have done yesterday is an easy task as you look at
the problem as outsiders. No I really did not mean it. However I have decided to ask few questions on Economic Social and
Environment Pillars
Economic Pillar
Do we use home/ school/ Public Resources with care thinking about their
economic value?
When we request things do we consider your parents economic condition?
Do we consider learning a new skill so that it will be enable us to find
future employment?
Do we invest on our imagination/ time to innovate/ create new things?
On the Social Pillar
Yesterday some of the delegates converted everyone to feminists
Do we sweep the house
or help our mother to prepare meals?
If mother gets late
after office can we make a simple meal?
Do we have gender
parity at home
We talked about LGBTQs
If we meet a boy who talks/ walks like a girl do we make fun?
Do we bully?
When we consider about quality education
Are we aware on the information
literacy skills? SQ3R method?
Do we maintain school
resources with care?
How many Sinhala
students can understand Tamil?
How many of us
understand the cultural and religious practices of the other communities?
Do we treat boys/girls
as toys or respect them in our love affairs?
If we come to know
about a love affair of akka/ nangi do we treat them as if they have committed a
crime or guide them lovingly to focus more on studies?
Do we have domestic helpers? Are they underage?
Do we respect them or
demand them to do things?
When we are faced with challenges, how do we react?
Do we analyze them from
one perspective or in a wholistic manner
Or do we run away
We are good at talking are we good listeners too? Do we offer a shoulder
to cry? Listen to a friend/ stranger when they are in distress situation?
From Environment perspective
Is it possible for us to request cardboard packs when we order food for events?
Can we say no to straws when necessary?
When we plan events do we have a garbage disposal plan?
Do we switch off unnecessary bulbs when we come out from rooms?
Do we close the tap while brushing our teeth or soaping our hands?
Do we create Social Media Posts giving messages on SDGs?
Finally, who will we elect to represent us at the Parliament?
My poem for you all
Daughter and son
Keeping SDGs in mind
As the children of Sri Lanka
Treating everyone as siblings
Let’s consider
Economic Social and Environment pillars
In the development plans
For a sustainable world
Therefore my dear sons and daughters you are today tomorrow and day
after not only the future/ Let’s walk hand in hand for a sustainable future
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